Water is essential to the survival of the human race. In fact, the average adult is 60% water. Your body uses water to regulate your temperature, pass nutrients to your cells, and to remove waste products from those cells. A lack of water leads to dehydration which impairs cognitive function and can even cause depression.
But, as with anything, it’s the quality of what is going in that really makes the difference. Despite huge advances in technology, an estimated 11% of the world’s population still don’t have access to clean, safe, water.
It’s important to know how to improve the water quality and ensure everyone has access to clean water.
The simplest way to improve access for those that need it is to create boreholes. The hoes can be drilled and need be no more than 100mm wide. They’ll go as deep as they need to in order to find water. Affix a solar-powered pump to this and you have fresh water every day.
All you need then is to ensure the quality is high. Here’ are 5 ways to do that:
Reverse Osmosis
This is one of the most efficient water filtration systems as it effectively removes heavy metals from the water. These metals are absorbed by the water as it passes through rocks and soil. The 5 stage reverse osmosis filter can remove these metals. Without taking them out of the water they will be absorbed by your body and can’t easily be got rid of. Over time they can cause health issues.
The 5 stage filter mentioned here also puts the water through a carbon filter, this removes bacteria and organic compounds. When you use the two elements together you get clean water that is safe to drink.
Consider Waste
One of the biggest contaminators of water is the waste humans create. Anything that is left or emptied not the ground will find it’s way into the water system, and the water you’re trying to improve. By considering what you are dumping you can prevent contaminants from getting into the water supply and improve the water quality.
Manage Septic Tanks
It’s important to monitor your septic tank. If they become too full or are damaged then the waste can flow into the ground. This results in wastewater entering the ground and contaminating the water supply.
Minimize Hot Water Usage
When the hot water runs through the pipes it will cause any minerals in the pipes to dissolve. These contaminants will then mix with the water in your pipes, reducing its quality and exposing you to unnecessary risk.
Boiling Water
A water filter is usually the best idea as it removes the majority of contaminants. But, it is possible to boil the water and remove the majority of dangerous contaminants, including bacteria. This method won’t destroy heavy metals but it will give you safe water in an emergency.
Simply remember, the best way to get high-quality water is to be mindful f what you are emptying into the ground and use a reverse osmosis water filter.